The Potager

The Potager

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Putting (part of) the Garden to Bed

While there are no frost warnings forecast, I realize that it is getting dark earlier and that if I am surprised by a frost warning, there would be no time after work to gather all my vegetables, so I decided to put my garden to bed early - well, not the fall garden obviously, but the tender annuals. This is what my garden looked like at lunch time:

And this is what was left by dinner time:

I will add lime and compost to this beds and cover them with a mulch of grass, 
but for now they look so forlorn!

However I ended up with this:
A BIG basket full of produce - I should show you the bottom layer -

That's a LOT of jalapenos! The jalapeno was the only plant that was not affected by the cooler weather we've been having.  It kept producing like mad! So I will make jellies for Christmas gifts, freeze some for winter chilies and ...who knows what else?  I'll let you know what I do with it all!

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